David LeMeilleur Memorial Vocational Scholarship
The David LeMeilleur Memorial Vocational Scholarship is dedicated to strengthening economic opportunities and development in Kerr County and is specifically aimed at assisting worthy residents in the greater Kerrville community with their pursuit of technical education.
Selection of award recipients will be made by an unbiased committee of representatives of the Kerrville Area Chamber of Commerce and may include Chamber Board members, staff, and chamber members.
To be considered for the David LeMeilleur Memorial Vocational Scholarship, apply online or submit the scholarship application and all required documents to:
Kerrville Area Chamber of Commerce
Attention: Scholarship Committee
1700 Sidney Baker St, Ste 100
Kerrville, Texas 78028
Download the form and apply today. If you have trouble downloading the application, contact us and we'll send you a copy.