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Chamber Ambassadors

Chamber Ambassadors are the face of The Kerrville Area Chamber of Commerce!

The mission of the Ambassador Program is to significantly improve the membership long term retention rate by building relationships with Chamber members, by improving involvement, support of all Chamber events as well as other activities such as attending ribbon cuttings, mixers and Chamber events. The time and energy that is devoted by our amazing Ambassadors is so beneficial to the Chamber and to our members!  We are very thankful for our volunteers and ambassadors.

The Ambassador’s annual goal is to increase the retention rate of new and existing members by conducting a program of goodwill calls; reinforcing the benefits of Chamber membership, increasing members’ knowledge about programs, services and benefits of the Kerrville Area Chamber of Commerce; and keeping the channels of communication open between the membership and the Chamber’s Board of Directors.

Ambassadors aid the Chamber with membership retention by making personal thank you calls monthly, in person visits and by helping Chamber members understand and use their available membership benefits.

DJ Owens

DJ Owens

Interim Chair of the Ambassadors

Kerrville Public Utility Board

Additional activities include serving as greeters at Business After Hours Mixers and Networking luncheons, attending ribbon cuttings/grand openings, and participation in the Annual Operation Thank You Campaign and the membership drive. Ambassadors are required to participate in a 50% combination of the following additional Chamber events: Kerrville Area Chamber Of Commerce Annual Awards Banquet, Pickleball Tournament, Economic Summit and the First Friday Wine Share/Business Expo.

The Benefits include:

  • Greater visibility for your business
  • Opportunities to interact with new businesses in the Kerrville Area
  • Greater opportunity to direct input to the Chamber
  • Exclusive opportunities and priority invitations to community activities and events
  • Lasting business relationships and lifelong friendships
  • Leadership and volunteer opportunities within the Chamber and community

Chamber Ambassadors

Chair (Interim)

DJ Owens

Kerrville Public Utility Board

Vice Chair (Interim)

Jennifer Kramer

Peterson Health


Ruben Molina

Arbor View Nursing and Rehab

Door Prize Chair

Mac Anderson

Individual Member

Event Chair

Rose Bradshaw

So Fast Printing

Amanda Potter - Comfortable Benefits

Bessie Fifer - Doyle Community Center

Gabie Laurentz  - JAM Broadcasting

Gail Johnson  - KCPAAA

Janie  Altgelt  - Individual

Jeannie Wanhainen  - Security State Bank & Trust

Keely Herod  - Douville Goldman & Herold PLLC

Monica Crider - Arms Of Hope


Nicholas Simon - Happy Hooves Family Pharmacy

Max Odom - Cecil Atkission Motors

Ruben Molina  - Waterside Nursing and Rehab

Ruth Marie Bauer- Individual

Seantel Trask - Trask Advisory Group

Sergio Mennella  - K'Star

Toni Rabe - Ranch Radio Marketing Group

Valerie Grimes - Texas Farm Bureau Insurance

; Clicky